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Showing posts from October, 2009

:: [re] compile imap on php5

:: what is please take a look at this. :: checking dependency make sure openssl installed on the box [ linux:~ ] # rpm -qa | grep openssl libopenssl0_9_8-0.9.8g-47.1 libopenssl-devel-0.9.8g-47.8 openssl-certs-0.9.8g-47.1 openssl-0.9.8g-47.1 :: installing imap for php5 from source [ linux:download ] # wget [ linux:download ] # tar -xzf imap-2007a1.tar.Z -C /usr/local/ [ linux:download ] # cd /usr/local/imap-2007a/ [ linux:imap-2007a ] # make slx SSLINCLUDE=/usr/include/openssl/ [ linux:imap-2007a ] # cp /usr/local/imap-2007a/c-client/c-client.a /usr/lib/libc-client.a [ linux:imap-2007a ] # cp /usr/local/imap-2007a/src/c-client/mail.h /usr/include/ [ linux:imap-2007a ] # cp /usr/local/imap-2007a/src/c-client/rfc822.h /usr/include/ [ linux:imap-2007a ] # cp /usr/local/imap-2007a/c-client/linkage.h /usr/include/ :: [re] compile PHP5 from source please take a look instructions on build php on centos before do this [ linux:~ ] # cd downloa...

:: [re]compile php5 with pdo mysql

:: what is please take a look at this. :: [re]compiling php5 with pdo mysql please take a look instructions on build php on centos before do this. [ root:downlad ]# wget [ root:downlad ]# tar -xjf php-5.3.0.tar.bz2 [ root:downlad ]# cd php-5.3.0 [ root:php-5.3.0 ]# ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --with-gd=/usr/local --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/lib --with-png-dir=/usr/local/lib --with-freetype-dir=/usr/local --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local --with-mcrypt=/usr/local/bin/mcrypt --enable-mbstring --enable-ftp --with-pdo-mysql=/usr/local/mysql [ root:php-5.3.0 ]# make && make install [ root:php-5.3.0 ]# cp php.ini-production /usr/local/etc/php.ini [ root:php-5.3.0 ]# vi /usr/local/etc/php.ini ; change this line include_path = ".::/usr/local/lib/php" :: testink [ root ]# php -m | grep pdo pdo_mysql pdo_sqlite :: links + googleLinux + blackonsole